Juice Detox

Our Juice Cleanse Programs begin with an initial consultation provided by our on-site Ayurvedic Doctor.  This is an in-depth exploration and assessment of your general condition, medical history, diet and lifestyle, mental and emotional state, plus any conventional treatments that you may be taking. A bespoke treatment plan is then formulated that will address all areas of your life, with the intention to provide your body-mind with the optimum chance to heal itself.  The treatment plan may include advice on diet, lifestyle, exercise, herbal medicine, Ayurvedic treatments, and other suitable remedies.

Choose from a 7 or 10 day Program, or contact us to discuss a suitable program duration.

7-Day Juice Detox

Our 7-day program includes: 

  • Introduction to Ayurveda & Detox
  • Consultation with the Ayurvedic Doctor
  • 3 Basti (Herbal enemas) 
  • 2 Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage
  • 1 Ayurvedic Classic Massage
  • 1 Ayurvedic Marma Massage
  • 5 Svedhana
  • 1 Shirodhara
  • 1 Ayurvedic balance massage
  • 1 Ayurvedic (Khizi) puddle                                  
  • Daily Yoga classes (2 - if advisable)
  • Evening activities at Ashiyana such as chanting, meditation, live concerts
  • Other treatments may be recommended (at an additional cost)
  • Personalised diet plan to take home
  • Final Consultation

650 €  (supplement to Yoga Holiday rate)

750 € for Non-Residential guests (accommodation not included)

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10-Day Juice Detox

Our 10-day program includes: 

  • Introduction to Ayurveda and Detox
  • Consultation with the Ayurvedic Doctor
  • 4 Basti (Herbal enemas) 
  • 2 Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage
  • 2 Ayurvedic Classic Massage
  • 2 Ayurvedic Marma Massage
  • 10 Svedhana
  • 1 Shirodhara
  • 2 Ayurvedic balance massage
  • 1 Ayurvedic (Khizi) puddle   
  • Daily Yoga classes (2 - if advisable)
  • Evening activities at Ashiyana such as chanting, meditation, live concert.
  • Other treatments may be recommended (at an additional cost)
  • Personalised diet plan to take home
  • Final Consultation

950 € (supplement to Yoga Holiday rate)

1050 € for Non-Residential guests (accommodation not included)

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Benefits of a Juice Cleanse

Rest the stomach

For the tens of millions of people who are on acid-suppressing drugs, and for older people who often don’t produce enough stomach acid, allowing the stomach to work less to extract nutrients can be a huge benefit.


Rest and repair the gut

Toxic foods (including saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, additives, pesticides and allergenic foods), medications (e.g. antibiotics or antacids) and, in particular, stress, can impair the intestine’s function.

Rest the liver

The liver is our main detoxifying organ, and every molecule of food that is absorbed through the intestinal wall moves through it for detoxification, and preparation before entering the rest of the body.

Reduce appetite

Juicing eliminates the habit of comfort eating, and makes you feel satiated with less food than usual. This provides a big psychological boost to help get over the hurdle of changing habits. Juicing doesn’t actually shrink the stomach, although it feels like it does.


Allow maximum detoxification

To optimally support all phases of the body’s natural detox process, you need a very broad range of plant-supplied nutrients like anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories. By providing the body with super-nutrient dense foods, juicing allows the body to have more of the resources it needs to support the phases of detoxification.


Heal our cells

Switching to an organic, plant-based diet allows cells to work optimally to re-establish efficient internal messaging and the manufacturing processes.

This allows the mitochondria to create energy without having to fight off a plethora of free radicals and inflammation, and reduces some of the impediments to proper DNA functioning. 

Lose weight

As you begin to feel better and have more energy, you also naturally lose weight. Some of this weight loss is due to water retention, and some is fat loss.


Improve energy

After the first days' adjustment period (missing chewing; coffee/alcohol withdrawal symptoms), most people begin to have more energy and clarity than they ever did with frequent caffeine drinks.


Rehydrate the body

Drinking sufficient fluids (5-6 glasses/day) makes the body function more efficiently, increases energy (often successfully removing the afternoon slump/brain fog), and helps ensure proper elimination of toxins.


Reduce physical problems

As well as improving energy levels, it also alleviates chronic symptoms such as headaches, rashes, general aches, congested sinuses and chest, and bloating/cramping/gas. Much of the time, our body is challenged by how we treat it, lack of sleep, inactivity and stress.


Eliminate harmful foods

The juice cleanse eliminates all those products which are likely to be inflammatory and problematic for the body, such as - dairy, gluten, refined sugar, salt, coffee and alcohol.


Flood the body with super nutrition

The juice diet gives us not only the vitamins and minerals but also, the all-important phytonutrients that are powerhouses for the clean-up and healing processes.