A Escola de Treinamento em Ashiyana oferece treinamentos desde 2010. Com centenas de graduados de todo o mundo, possuímos reconhecimento global por nossa abordagem única de Yoga e bem-estar.

Nossos ensinamentos são muito mais do que apenas um treinamento, e muitos os veem como cursos de autodesenvolvimento que o equipam com habilidades essenciais para a vida, em um momento em que a auto-responsabilidade está diminuindo, há uma explosão correspondente de doenças crônicas relacionadas ao estilo de vida.

Acreditamos firmemente que o mundo precisa de mais professores de Yoga, bem como de mais praticantes em geral.No entanto, também reconhecemos que essas práticas precisam evoluir, acompanhando nossos tempos de rápidas mudanças.

Convidamos você a ponderar como poderá criar uma oferta diferenciada face às que já existem, bem como uma proposta mais holística e que melhor responda às orientações de estilo de vida, de que os seus clientes tanto necessitam.

Estamos no processo de criar um maravilhoso conjunto de treinamentos on-line e off-line, portanto, fique de olho na lista abaixo:

200hr Yoga Alliance certified*

300hr Yoga Alliance certified*

Ashiyana Coach Training (ACT)*

Multiple 50hr modules*

ONLINE 50hr, 200hr and 300hr trainings*

*Por favor, veja os detalhes na parte inferior desta página.

Nossa lista de treinamentos aumentará nas próximas semanas e meses, portanto, fique atento.

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in English
200HR Yoga Teacher Training - 3 Weeks Intensive in Brazil
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200HR Yoga Teacher Training - 3 Weeks Intensive in Brazil

01 Sep 2024 - 22 Sep 2024 (3 weeks)

with Yamuna and Prashant

Yoga Alliance Certified


* Enquiry date is the date of your first contact, email or phone call to us.

Our prices are fully inclusive of tuition, accommodation, food, all of the facilities at Ashiyana Brazil, and a comprehensive course manual.

Instruction language: ENGLISH
in English
Align & Flow 50HR CPD Teacher Development Program
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Align & Flow 50HR CPD Teacher Development Program

22 Sep 2024 to 29 Sep 2024 (1 week)

with Yamuna Devi and Prashant Tewatia

Join this special 50 hours immersion with highly experienced international Yoga teachers who share from their hearts their wisdom and life's work.
This collaboration will bring the fusion of alignment and flow together for a unique experience where you will explore movement from all approaches.

Embrace a transformative journey of learning, growth, practice, and connection.

Instruction language: ENGLISH
in English
Ashiyana BEST ME Coach Training - ‘The yoga teacher of the future’
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Ashiyana BEST ME Coach Training - ‘The yoga teacher of the future’

Spring 2025 - 150hr online, plus 50hr (1 week) module at our Brazil centre

with Chris, Tobie, Charlotte and other members of our wellbeing team

We are very excited to offer this brand new training that merges the ancient wisdom of Yoga with modern therapeutic techniques and cutting edge science to create the ‘Yoga teacher of the future’. Given that chronic disease and mental and emotional issues are burgeoning today, your clients need to be supported across the whole of their lifestyles. This training will enable you to create personalised wellbeing programs for your clients with the support of our unique BEST ME platform.

The philosophy of Ashiyana has always been to hold our staff and customers in a loving embrace. This means having empathy, great listening skills, and a passion for supporting others on their wellbeing journeys. If you have these essential qualities, then our course will provide you with the rest.

Instruction language: ENGLISH

200hr Yoga Alliance certified. Our Ashiyana style of classes, and therefore also the way that we guide teachers have become well recognised in the marketplace for both honouring the traditions of Yoga, whilst also empowering students to find their own authentic expression. Most of all, we guide our trainees in recognising that the essence of ‘teaching’ is really about an invitation to your students to journey inwards and be guided by their own inner wisdom. As the saying goes, when you look outwards you learn, but when you look inwards you awaken. We will also offer certain modules as realtime options at our resorts. With our online trainings we will also offer an optional one week, 50hr module at our resorts.

300hr Yoga Alliance certified. Continuing in the same vein of offering a deeper experience of Yoga, we guide our trainees towards their own deeper realisation of what Yoga is enabling them to realise about themselves. Teaching goes two ways, if you focus on becoming more advanced then you grow your ego, but if you focus on growing ever more humble and surrendered, then you become a beacon of light for others. With our online trainings we will also offer an optional one week, 50hr module at our resorts.

Ashiyana Coach Training (ACT) - Level 1, 200hrs. This is an online course with the option for 1 week at one of our retreat centres. We are extremely excited to offer this brand new element of our training school from 2023 as we believe that it perfectly encompasses all that is required to be the ‘Yoga teacher of the future’. In the tradition of the ‘Gurukul’ system of Yoga, a teacher was taught to work with their students across the full gamut of human lifestyle - relaxation, sleep, nutrition, exercise, fun, relationships, career, creativity, positive thinking, abundance and so on. We are therefore going back to the future and creating this comprehensive, multi-modular training that will be offered as an online course with an option for 50hrs at one of our centres. It is based on our unique approach to wellbeing - BEST ME Model. Our first training will be launching in Summer 2023!

Multiple 50hr modules covering all the most important elements of Yoga, from which you can cherry pick those that most resonate with you and your intentions. This will allow you to specialise and fine-tune your offer, whilst also counting towards your 200hr and 300hr Yoga Alliance certification.

ONLINE 50hr, 200hr and 300hr trainings - for many of us online trainings are a blessing since we can fit them in to our existing schedule, whilst still working and taking care of our other needs and commitments.