Usha Devi

Usha Devi has been living in India since 1985, serving at Omkarananda Ashram in the Himalayas. In 1993, she began to study yoga with the world famous Yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar "Guruji".  She continues to study with her renowned Yoga Guru and his daughter Gitaji, spending several months each year at the Iyengar Institute in Pune.

In her teaching, Usha Devi is very precise and strict. As a result, her students are often astonished by the level of personal application and awareness that they are able to achieve during her classes.  For many, the first impression is of a hard, demanding teacher; this is true, but students quickly realise that Usha Devi's disciplined approach arises from a genuine love for others and a natural selflessness which enables her to form quite a unique relationship with the students in her classes. Under her continual guidance, students are allowed to achieve depths of yoga practice that they had no conception of before.  Most students who work with Usha Devi come to feel that her instruction has given them a true understanding of the important aspects of Yoga which in turn, gives a lifelong improvement to their practice. Her iconic sense of humor and her forthright common sense contribute to making her something of a legend in the Yoga community.