
Michelle is an Ashiyana Yoga School Graduate.  Her yoga journey began over 20 years ago, but became much more focused in 2010 when she left her fashion career in London and moved to India to explore her Indian heritage and seek a deeper purpose in life.

In a sad turn of events, Michelle actually found this closer to home when her dad was diagnosed with cancer and she returned to the UK. After her dad’s complicated surgery, she spent the next 4 years in critical care with him, which is where Michelle really discovered the profound and incredible healing powers of yoga, positivity and mindfulness. Her personal practice helped her to stay present and grounded at a time when life felt up in the air, but the best part was that she learnt to share yoga passively with her dad and assist his healing.  Through this experience, Michelle found a deeper connection to herself and the people surrounding her - discovering her life purpose along the way.

Shortly after her dad’s passing, Michelle began her yoga teacher training with Ashiyana. Alongside this she also retrained as a Life Coach and Clinical NLP Practitioner with Dr. Phil Parker PHD.  A life changing trip around India and Nepal followed where she experienced many healing practices through movement, stillness, chanting and silence in numerous yoga centres, ashrams, a silent retreat and a Nepalese monastery. Her quest to keep learning and growing never ceases.

Much of what Michelle shares reflects the practices she has experienced through her own personal journey, and the teachings that she has embraced with gratitude from her nearest and dearest, teachers, guides, clients and students alike.

Michelle’s open and friendly nature allows her to build trusting relationships.  As one of Ashiyana's Holistic Yoga Therapists, she assists you to find relief and heal from physical and psychological issues as well as setting new intentions or goals for the future.  She creates a unique and enjoyable personal yoga practice, which provides you with enough space to enjoy the journey along the way!

Michelle shares Hatha Flow based classes - weaving in elements of meditation, breathwork, the chakras, kundalini, restorative and yin.  Her classes support you to awaken within and invite you to bring breath to your body and awareness to your feelings and sensations. She encourages you to soften, release and let go of whatever is not working for you whilst inviting in more of what you want!  Her aim is to assist in aligning you in your physical body as well as align you with your true nature and values  – allowing for more space between your thoughts to enter a deeper presence in the moment.

Michelle lives in India most of the year but in July & August you will find her sharing her love of yoga at the Hoxton Special Kite Surf & SUP Club, Cornwall, UK.